How to be your best during your Interview— Visual and Verbal Cues to Avoid.

Tim ‘Bear’ Sauers
3 min readJun 17, 2022


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Here are the main things to remember when prepping for your interview, whether it is Virtual or Live.

  1. Successfully dressing for your interview will always show the recruiter that you understand the culture of the company and respect it.
  2. How you dress should reflect the nature of the business you are applying with. Don’t dress for “TikTok” when you are applying with “Goldman Saks”.
  1. Safe Bet attire for an interview: Button down shirt, slacks, good dress shoes (NO FLIP FLOPS), a tie or bowtie, (not always required, good idea to weigh the benefit). For women: a well pressed blouse, slacks or respectable skirt with sensible shoes. Thoughtful makeup, light cologne.
  2. Always go to your interview looking POLISHED. No matter what you wear, Pressed and Ironed shirts and slacks, no holes or stains. No Scuffs on your shoes, Clean fingernails, Fresh Breath, fresh haircut.
Always look polished and put your best foot forward.

For the Verbal Cues — you want to practice what you want to say, use a mirror so you are able to see what you look like when you speak.

  1. Speak clearly and concise.
  2. Avoid using words like “Um and You Know”.
  3. Never use curse words or slang terminology.
  4. Give Examples of skills and experience that you have gained with your previous employers. Highlight your experiences to the job you are applying for, showcasing as best you can, “why you are a good fit”.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, in fact you should ask questions.

6. Never say say just “yes or no” to questions, always try to use full sentences.

7. Avoid talking about your negative traits. If asked about your weaknesses, explain one and the describe how you work to overcome those weaknesses.

What are your weaknesses?

Looking and Sounding your best could very well be the little push that gets you hired over other candidates. You got this!



Tim ‘Bear’ Sauers

At 62 I have been many things in my lifetime. I chose to learn Software Development in an effort to stay relevant for the 21st Century.