Learning when the internet and the IOT controls your life.
Unity Log, Star Date:-301751.9826864536, (04/01/2021, 12:37:54 PM) I discovered today the Joys of the Internet of things. It is especially exciting, when you learn that everything you do. . .and I mean everything, is guided and directed by the Internet. How did I learn This you ask? Today (04/01/2021) As I was preparing myself for my life choice meeting with @beenverified.Al Heck, I was all set just waiting for the show to start. As Al started to speak all my technology went dead, my internet went down as well as TV and telephone — dead, for over 10 hrs (area outage for Xfinity). So much of the software I work with is web dependent. I almost went frantic, I managed to pop a text message off to Al, all, not knowing whether it was received or not.
Unity Log, Supplemental, Star Date:-301749.7418505834, (04/02/2021, 8:15:40 AM) Xfinity has me restored to the web, and TV and Home Security are back as well. we went for 10+ hours with totally out and spotty connections for a couple hours after that. I didn’t get a lot of computer work accomplished, and while I like my tech, it was kinda of nice having the amount of quiet that not being connected affords. (Though the neighborhood children more than made up for it in their running and screaming past my apartment door.)
Fortunately, for the GameDevHQ meeting I was able to borrow a friends mobile hotspot to connect for the meeting.